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Turn of the Screw. Jamie Fraser. David Foster Wallace. Shakespeare. Well-constructed sentences. Leonard Cohen. Captain Wentworth. Neruda. Hemingway. Chapter 21 of Jane Eyre. Clive Staples. Tolkien. Melina Marchetta. Big, fat Russian novels. New words. And honey in my tea.

Currently reading

The Brides of Rollrock Island
Margo Lanagan
The Dream Thieves
Maggie Stiefvater
The New World (Chaos Walking, #0.5)
Patrick Ness

An Instance of the Fingerpost

An Instance of the Fingerpost - Iain Pears Four dubious narrators tell their own version of the same events. All with different conclusions and different levels of unreliability. Keeping up with the major players isn't difficult, but remembering my British history enough to feel like I was treading water was. Thanks, google. There's a glorious sense of comeuppance when this book concludes. All I can think is: these men may not even know that they got theirs in the end, but they did. AW YEAH.