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Turn of the Screw. Jamie Fraser. David Foster Wallace. Shakespeare. Well-constructed sentences. Leonard Cohen. Captain Wentworth. Neruda. Hemingway. Chapter 21 of Jane Eyre. Clive Staples. Tolkien. Melina Marchetta. Big, fat Russian novels. New words. And honey in my tea.

Currently reading

The Brides of Rollrock Island
Margo Lanagan
The Dream Thieves
Maggie Stiefvater
The New World (Chaos Walking, #0.5)
Patrick Ness

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth - Carrie Ryan I liked this book for a few reasons. I like a good looney tunes narrator. Mary delivers on that point. I also think that it sets up an interesting world for the rest of the series (which I've heard is better). It was creepy and scary in places, and the pacing was pretty heart-stopping at times. If you can handle zombie gore, then you might enjoy those bits. I even felt like the ending was fitting, if completely tragic.